Focused on the Microscope instead of the Telescope View

As some of you may know, over the winter break, I kept myself busy. I worked seasonally at Kohl's, Dixieland one day a week, keeping up with Mary Kay office work, and babysitting, all while taking a 17 day long winter term course. Some say crazy, others admire. All I knew is the Spring semester ahead was going to be a busy, and rough one. 18 hours, 4 FULL school days, exec board for 2 major events, and life happenings are ahead. I needed to cushion the bank account as much as possible for the lack of a paycheck for this Spring semester. As I was coming to terms with that fact, I found myself frustrated with the fact the busy season at Kohl's was over and the hours were being cut drastically. I started to somewhat start to stress over my financial situation ahead. To say I continuously prayed for the Lord to lead me to a maintainable job with this schedule would be a lie. When I remembered or found myself stressing, I prayed. With no answers I th...