
Showing posts from 2018

Focused on the Microscope instead of the Telescope View

As some of you may know, over the winter break, I kept myself busy. I worked seasonally at Kohl's, Dixieland one day a week, keeping up with Mary Kay office work, and babysitting, all while taking a 17 day long winter term course.  Some say crazy, others admire.  All I knew is the Spring semester ahead was going to be a busy, and rough one. 18 hours, 4 FULL school days, exec board for 2 major events, and life happenings are ahead. I needed to cushion the bank account as much as possible for the lack of a paycheck for this Spring semester. As I was coming to terms with that fact, I found myself frustrated with the fact the busy season at Kohl's was over and the hours were being cut drastically. I started to somewhat start to stress over my financial situation ahead.  To say I continuously prayed for the Lord to lead me to a maintainable job with this schedule would be a lie.  When I remembered or found myself stressing, I prayed. With no answers I th...

Quality over Quantity

In any sector of life, people almost always prefer quality over quantity. "I'd rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies," kind of vibe.  I could agree, quality is much better than quantity in almost  everything and goes hand-in-hand with being present-- just what I am working on.  But what about the moment your life changes in a split second? The move doesn't quite pan out the way we planned, the job didn't come through as you hoped, bad test results. Does quality really outweigh quantity when it comes to time spent?  I have been reading this book, Anxious for Nothing , by Matt Lucado (10/10 recommend picking it up the next time you're out). Last night, I read something that took a grip on me. In this section of the book, it was talking about God giving Paul an assignment to carry the Gospel into Rome. It goes on to talk about how Paul knew he would survive sharing the Gospel in a land that it was forbidden in,  because God doesn't sta...

New Year, New Semester, Not So New Me.

New Year Every year, on December 31st at 11:59pm people surround themselves with the people they enjoy being around to "ring in the new year". With this comes ALL the New Years Resolutions: healthier life, lose weight, work on my relationships, get closer to God... the list goes on and on.  How many resolutions have you made and stuck with?   Just as you're thinking of your failures, I too, have fallen accustom to setting these same resolutions year after year; and year after year, I terribly fail, at them all. Even when I try to focus on just ONE for the coming year, I still FAIL.  9 days into 2018, I haven't found my resolution yet.  I have many that I would like to say I will be successful in, but this year, I will let my resolution show itself on December 31st, 2018 at 11:59pm. I have decided instead of setting myself up for failure once again, I will decide what I accomplished well in 2018 in the LAST minutes of 2018 instead of the FIRST ...