Update from across the pond!
WOW. The only words I have for the last 6 days. Thankful, Grateful, BLESSED. We landed in Barcelona at 3:30am KY time, but it was 9:30am here, with a full day ahead. We left the airport and went to meet our host families at the school. I was so excited to finally hug my host momma on the neck after weeks of communicating via instagram! After meeting my host mom and sister, we went to the car to load up. When she saw my luggage she said, OH NO! She brought the tiny car, and by tiny I mean the electric car! My luggage and our bodies barely fit, but we made it! When I arrived at home, I immediately got all the American goodies I had brought out to give them, it was like Christmas! Pep (5) opened all the candy he could get his hands on, and after it was putin a basket, he took it to his room to hide it from everyone. I think the ring pops were his favorite. I gave David his All American white house birthday card, and birthday cake peeps. They didn't know what ma...