
Back to Reality

Well, here we are. 1 week post grad and 1.5 weeks post abroad. I am glad to be home, but miss my host family and my sweet boys at RMSI. This experience was more than I can could have ever imagined and I loved every moment of it. I do wish the flights home were better planned, because we almost missed our flight in Miami due to lack of time. I am glad to be home, but already planning to visit again next year. My host family is also planning for me to come back! My host mom even facetimed me on graduation morning to tell me how proud she was! I was blessed with this experience and would encourage anyone to do it.

Barcelona's Education System

Well, here we are. The last Monday in Spain. While I am forever grateful for this experience and do not want to leave my host family and these wonderful people, the countdown to graduation, seeing my people, and my momma is ON. We spent our last weekend in Paris, which was just as amazing as I thought it would be, but MUCH more EXHAUSTING. We walked nearly 15 miles in 2 days. We saw all the landmarks we wanted, got into a few museums FREE (protip), and ended with the most magical place on earth, Disneyland! The experience within the school here has been so wonderful and positive. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in RMSI. The teachers are treated very well here, and are highly appreciated by most. I wouldn't mind the schedule they have here! We have school from 9am-4:45pm. While that sounds like a long day it is not. From a teaching perspective, it is a great day! Today, for example, I have 2-45 minute classes, a 30 minute breakfast break (COFFEE PLEASE) and then...

Update from across the pond!

WOW. The only words I have for the last 6 days. Thankful, Grateful, BLESSED. We landed in Barcelona at 3:30am KY time, but it was 9:30am here, with a full day ahead. We left the airport and went to meet our host families at the school. I was so excited to finally hug my host momma on the neck after weeks of communicating via instagram! After meeting my host mom and sister, we went to the car to load up. When she saw my luggage she said, OH NO! She brought the tiny car, and by tiny I mean the electric car! My luggage and our bodies barely fit, but we made it! When I arrived at home, I immediately got all the American goodies I had brought out to give them, it was like Christmas! Pep (5) opened all the candy he could get his hands on, and after it was putin a basket, he took it to his room to hide it from everyone. I think the ring pops were his favorite. I gave David his All American white house birthday card, and birthday cake peeps. They didn't know what ma...

Wheels up in 8 D A Y S

If you happen to see me in the next 8 days, specifically in the next 5 school days, I am SORRY. I have officially checked OUT. I received my final grade for student teaching (I passed, YAY) completed ALL the work, gone to ALL the meetings, built ALL the relationships and met some pretty awesome kids. The next 5 days have been mapped out, and I am seeing the BNA airport carpet in my near future.  I have begun the hoarding stage of packing. I have kept a list for the last 2 months of the important things I thought I might forget, the toiletries I needed to buy, the paperwork I needed to copy, and the gifts I wanted to find for my host family. My list went from being REAL long, to about 3-4 last minute add-ons. A corner of my living room has become the "to be packed" corner. There is so much stuff. I am so excited to finally meet my host family. I have been in communication with them for a few weeks, and they are SO cool. I have found so many goodies for them, and so...